Erasmus Policy Statement
The European and international dimension represents one of the central objectives in ITS Umbria Academy mission.
Since the beginning, in fact, ITS Umbria has allocated a strategic value to cross-national policies, directed towards cooperation with other players, especially through the creation of European networks. Thus, in 2016, ITS Umbria adhered to NETinVET, a European network made up of other institutes that organize courses at EQF V level in various fields.
Following the same direction, the dialogue with the players, belonging or not to our Foundation, has always been maintained deeply alive, thanks to remarkable collaboration with some of the members of our Foundation, first of all Umbria Export, a regional union for the company internationalization abroad; then, the University of Perugia, numerous trade unions – among which Confindustria (Italian industrial federation), Confagricoltura (confederation of Italian farmers), CNA (National Artisans Confederation), Confcommercio (trade confederation), ANCE (building constructors national association) and Collegio dei Geometri (Surveyors association) – and finally, many of our external Italian partners like Sviluppumbria – an institution which deals with economic development of our Region and manages internationalization projects. We must not forget our foreign partners, research insitutes and companies with whom many international mobility and exchange projects have been carried out.
The new internationalization strategy, which ITS Umbria plans to put in place for the next seven-year period, aims at extention of existing activities, even though the main objective remains to promote free movement of people and ideas in order to spread a European culture, in particular in the technical-scientific field.
ITS, in fact, identifies with the initiatives promoted by the European Commission, which aim to create a European education space and therefore, in line with the requirements for 2021-27 planning, pursues the primary objective to keep encouraging rapport with foreign partners like Institutes for tertiary education, research institutes, foreign institutions and companies which share the idea of promotion of common values culture. The international cultural, social and educational integration makes it possible for ITS Umbria to adapt to the global dynamics.
ITS has participated and will keep taking part in Erasmus+ calls, fostering international exchange and mobility in both directions for students and teachers, hoping to increase their number in the next period, allowing the same mobility also for the administrative staff members.
Another objective ITS has is to support the creation of an open training environment, also through building up the training offer in a foreign language and further improvement of language learning, in order to meet the needs of the students, teachers and the staff, considering the requests of the international job market and globalization dynamics, including other aspects, from the social to the professional context.
Promotion of language learning and linguistic diversity is one of the main objectives for ITS.
We have included a certain number of hours dedicated to English language learning – general or for professional purposes – in every ITS itinerary, according to the training sector. This is possible thanks to the collaboration of experienced mother tongue teachers, with strong connections within the world of work and this trend will certainly continue. Besides this, every course involves some technical didactic modules in English in order to make learning practical and easily applicable in the work context, in addition to giving an adequate linguistic support to the outgoing mobile participants, ensuring their competence level is sufficient.
The objectives of internationalization contemporarily require important efforts in modernization, possible only through an active exchange of knowledge, competences and know-how, thus carefully planning development based on technological, competitive and sustainability principles.
The achievement of forementioned objectives will guarantee our institute better attractiveness, stimulating the creation of a strongly dynamic environment full of opportunitis for all those who take part in it.
- Organisations interested in the didactic activities of the ITS and in the agreements for projects of internationalisation and mobility of students and staff;
- Students interested in mobility projects;
the referent is:
Alice Lucarelli
tel. +39 075 582741